Monday, April 16, 2007

Conspiracy? Why?

Hello and welcome to the Virginia Tech Shooting Conspiracy blog, where interested parties can exchange information.

Some will question the necessity of this blog; after all, the shootings were done by one individual; a 24 year old Chinese male in the U.S. on a student visa.

I mean, that's what law enforcement officials and the news media have told us, right?

If you failed to detect the sarcasm in the above statement, try a blog on dating tips.This case has been compared to the Columbine tragedy in 1999.

Maybe it should be from a conspiratorial viewpoint.


Both shootings took place the week of Hitler's birthday (4/20). (It should be noted that the 1993 Branch Davidian immolation and the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing was also executed during the week of Adolf's b-day).

Both stories had reports of "multiple gunmen" In the case of Columbine, it was a third (or more) person in addition to Harris & Klebold. In this case, another shooter in addition to our whacky exchange student.

Both cases featured law enforcement incompetence and criticism for not stopping the shooting rampages sooner. In the Virginia Tech case, the 'gap' between shootings is most curious indeed.

Virginia Tech received bomb threats before the shootings; Columbine killer Harris admitted to having explosives as far back as 1997, but interestingly enough, no search warrant was ever done of the Harris household.

Keep in mind that these connections only represent the immediate impact of the shootings. In the days and weeks to follow, there should be more evidence pointing at a conspiracy.


Explaining the 'why' of a conspiracy theory is a delicate matter.

Especially in a mass shooting such as this. A conspiracy to kill JFK or RFK or MLK is more plausible. Those assassinations were executed by the far right in order to silence progressive voices.

But what does the far right get out of pulling off a mass shooting, such as the Virginia Tech massacre? What's the motivation?

For one thing, shootings such as these tend to drive people to the political right of the spectrum; like the 9/11 'terrorist' attacks, incidents such as these soften the masses' resistance to increased law enforcement presence and reduced civil liberties.

On a more subtle level, it also serves a psychological purpose to make most Americans to think that "things are out of control" and that "America has lost her way" when senseless tragedies like these take place. It makes most people more accepting of control and in some cases, more accepting of increased religious influence in the culture at large. (Recall Columbine victim Cassie Bernall and the hype over her saying she belived in God before she was shot).

More tangibly, the Virginia Tech conspiracy could lead to actual changes in the law, especially regarding student visas, given this case.

Note the changes in the wake of Columbine:

Many schools instituted new anti-bully policies as well as so-called "zero tolerance" approaches to weapons and threatening behavior. Wikipedia reports some social science experts feel the zero tolerance in schools has gone overboard

The shooting resulted in calls for more gun control measures. In 2000, federal and state legislations were introduced that would require safety locks on firearms as well as ban the importation of high-capacity ammunition magazines. Though laws were passed that made it a crime to buy guns for criminals and minors, there was considerable controversy over legislation pertaining to background checks at gun shows.

Again, like the conspiracy theories themselves, it's so early that each day will bring more information and more speculation regarding the motivation for the worst shooting in U.S. history.


Jabes said...

Bring us more Beave!

Unknown said...

you might be the dumbest individual to ever live on this planet. Do you think what your saying is even considerable? You're pathetic.